Monday, November 25, 2013

Week # 14

Blog Post # 14: Social Media Revolution - Welcome to the Downfall of Organic Human Interaction

I remember seeing this video in my US History 2 class, almost 4 years ago in my senior year of highschool. It seriously, scared the shit out of me (please forgive my language, its just that crazy). I can honestly say there was a time where I did have a Myspace, a Facebook account, PhotoBucket, I had an iPod, I uploaded to Youtube and helped edit Wikipedia pages. I even had an instagram for like a week. I no longer share my info on the internet (I do have a blog, though) but I can see where the world is heading. There is no longer a natural way to talk to another human - we can instantly be transported anywhere in the world via social media. Advertisers are getting off the TV and Radio and getting savvy about FB & Twitter, eReaders are selling faster than paperback books, and everyone meets on the web. Hell, I even met my fiance on FB (we did go to highschool together though so its not that bad). Watching this video in 2010, I remember thinking "what the heck is going to happen in a year or two, where this is going?" I felt a sense of despair. We are the generation of limitless technological possibilities, and yet we sext body parts to each other's phones and share irrelevant info with a million hastags. No more contributions to society, except on FB timelines. This video had such an impact on me that I couldn't t forget it. Plus, I liked the song. haha. The scariest part? This was in 2010 - almost 4 YEARS ago. Can you imagine how much the stats have changed since then? They change daily! Google "social media revolution" on youtube and see for yourselves. Watch this video, and think twice about that next status update.

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