Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week # 7

Week #7 Blog Post: 10 million Lamps! - HigaTV

So at the risk of becoming completely bored, I gave in and posted something (kinda) informational about (kinda) video-production related stuff. Although this video is hilarious, it also has some inside looks on how the heck people put together something as short as a 4-minute long video with homemade supplies. These guys are my age (21-24) who have the creativity and the resourcefulness of filmmakers leaps and bounds ahead of their time. I love and have been watching the videos of Ryan Higa with my siblings, practically growing with him. I've probably seen every video, and have seen the progression of his talent on the screen as well as behind the camera. Since I was about 12-13, first seeing these videos of the 15-year old kid making videos himself made me feel like I wasn't alone in wanting to make people laugh and enjoy themselves. And although I haven't chosen the same career paths and I have since given up my camera for a paintbrush, I can still relate with everything he has done and every way he has grown - with friends and family by his side through it all. I adore these videos and the increased production value in each video astounds me. From a single webcam and a green ball - to expensive equipment, endorsements, and millions of viewers around the world, Ryan Higa has made his dream a reality and I applaud him for it while I try to make my own way. His youtube channel is nigahiga and his behind the scenes one is HigaTV. Enjoy!

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